My Hero is my grandmother! God truly blessed me with a woman that has been here for me when NO ONE else ever has…my angel sent from heaven. Anyone who knows me and my childhood, knows that I was raised by my grandparents and then knows the situation that happened in my teens…can understand why this woman means the world to me. There is nothing that I could EVER say that would be enough to describe how special she is. I will never be able to say thank you enough…or do enough to make up for the amazing things that she has done for me. This lady is a part of me and the reason why I am the way I am today and I am so proud of her. For what she has accomplished in her lifetime is beautiful!
She inspired me to never give up amidst trials and tribulations and I would like to think that we both have helped one another through the hurdles that life has thrown our way..along with God’s help of course. So I say thank you Mamaw….. you are the most amazing person that I have met and will EVER meet my entire life. No one will ever be able to measure up to you. Thank you for putting up with me when I wasn’t tolerable..thank you for EVERYTHING. You are my hero and will be forever!
I was speechless and my eyes were leaking when I read this. Thank you! All I did was love you and protect you. We are a team..Always there for each other. “You are my sunshine on a cloudy day.”.I am sooo proud of YOU and the woman you’ve become.Love you to the moon and back.