Glimlach(Dutch for smile) Monday
The whole life is but a moment of time. It is our duty, therefore to use it, not to misuse it.-Plutarch
Mistakes do not define who you are…they tell you who you are NOT. So learn from them.
Bible Verse
I have shown you kindness, that ye will also show kindness.-Joshua 2:12
Corny Joke
What did the grape do when it got stepped on?
It let out a little whine
Stress Reliever
Yoga incorporates breathing exercises, meditation, and light exercise. One session brings initial stress relief, and continued practice brings greater resilience to stress. It’s one of the more potent stress relievers.
Funny Video
This is HILARIOUS!! 🙂 Watch if you need a good laugh. He was doing this for a good cause. The description on the youtube account reads: “Dancing for Caroline Harmon Mr. Harrison is a pretend high school male beauty pageant put on by Harrison High School in West Lafayette, Indiana. The purpose of the pageant this year was to raise money for Caroline Harmon, a young girl who had leukemia. Unfortunately Caroline lost her battle with leukemia. She will stay with us in our memories and may she rest in peace.I wanted a talent that would get some laughs, and interpretive dance fit the bill. I got a dance team member to help me coreograph, and got some ideas from other interpretive dances. The leotard was donated by that dance team member, and the ribbon dance is obviously from Old School. I am entirely straight. “
[youtube]Image of the week